Margie Reese Wins National Award from the Americans for the Arts

A Cultural Plan for the Columbia Area
The City of Columbia is hosting “lunch with a planner” discussions throughout the year as part of Columbia Compass, the ten-year update to the City of Columbia’s comprehensive plan. This 12 to 18-month effort will result in a plan that the City’s citizens and policy makers can use as a blueprint to help navigate our future. Your input is vital as we seek to define a vision for Columbia, and identify the policies, programs and infrastructure investments necessary to make that vision a reality.
Please bring a bag lunch and join us on Tuesday, January 8, 2019, from 12 – 1pm at the Meridian Building Plaza, 1300 Block of Main Street to discuss Cultural Resources in the City of Columbia.
*In case of inclement weather, the lunch will be relocated to the Planning Division conference room, 1136 Washington, 3rd floor.
WHAT: Lunch with a Planner – Cultural Resources
WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 2019, from 12:00 – 1:00 pm
WHERE: Meridian Building Plaza, 1300 Block of Main St.
WHO: Open to the public – bring a bag lunch or coffee, and come prepared to chat!
The City of Columbia will host public meetings throughout the City regarding Columbia Compass, the ten-year update to the City of Columbia’s comprehensive plan. This 12 to 18-month effort will result in a plan that the City’s citizens and policy makers can use as a blueprint to help navigate our future. Your input is vital as we seek to define a vision for Columbia, and identify the policies, programs, and infrastructure investments necessary to make that vision a reality. These meetings will include a brief presentation followed by interactive activities, and will be identical in format to one another.
The planning process will result in a vision and document which can help guide City Council as they Envision 2036 – when Columbia will celebrate its 250th year, or semiquincentennial. Elements of the plan research and analysis will include Columbia’s population, natural resources, land use, transportation, housing, community facilities, cultural resources (known as Amplify), and economic development.
For more information about Columbia Compass: Envision 2036, visit www.columbiacompass.org, follow @ColaCompass on Facebook or Twitter, or contact the Planning and Development Services Department at 803-545-3222.
One Columbia for Arts & History, which advises, amplifies and advocates for the unified arts and history community, announces that, as a part of “Amplify: A Cultural Plan for the Columbia Area”, it will host more meetings with cultural and community organizations and members of the public this summer.
These workshops and discussions are facilitated and led by members of the Amplify steering committee and Margie Reese, an arts advocate and arts management professional. In earlier Town Hall discussions with the public and targeted groups, Reese and the Amplify committee have identified six emerging themes and needs for arts growth in Columbia:
The Amplify steering committee invites public participation and responses to help in developing a robust cultural plan for Columbia and the region.
The City of Columbia’s office of Planning and Development Services is initiating development of a Comprehensive Plan for all aspects of Columbia’s future. Amplify will serve as the arts and culture piece of the plan, For more information on Amplify and attending these town hall meetings, visit AmplifyColumbia.com, where members of the public can also provide input on arts and cultural planning in Columbia through Amplify’s online survey.