The City of Columbia has announced the kick off of Columbia Compass and the first round of public engagement for the ten-year update to the City of Columbia’s comprehensive plan. This 12 to 18-month effort will result in a plan that the City’s citizens and policy makers can use as a blueprint to help navigate the City’s future. Much like your help with Amplify, your input for the rest of the comprehensive plan is vital as we all work together to define a vision for Columbia, and identify the policies, programs, and infrastructure investments necessary to make that vision a reality. Two identical drop-in format public open houses will be held on October 3rd and 4th from 5-8pm:
- Wednesday, October 3, 2018, 5-8pm, Richland Library Main, Auditorium, 1431 Assembly Street, Columbia, SC 29201
- Thursday, October 4, 2018, 5-8pm, Eau Claire Print Building, 3907 Ensor Avenue, Columbia, SC 29203
The planning process will result in a vision and document which can help guide City Council as they Envision 2036 – when Columbia will celebrate its 250th year, or semiquincentennial. Elements of the plan research and analysis will include Columbia’s population, natural resources, land use, transportation, housing, community facilities, cultural resources, and economic development.
Amplify is a partnership between One Columbia and the City of Columbia to develop the cultural resources element of the comprehensive plan.
For more information about Columbia Compass: Envision 2036, visit, follow @ColaCompass on Facebook or Twitter, or contact the Planning and Development Services Department at 803-545-3222.